401 E. Roberta Ave, Waukesha, WI 53186 262.970.3700 (phone) 262.970.3720 (fax) 262.970.3716 (attendance)

Fun Facts to Know and Tell

The Students
At Waukesha South, we take great pride in our students. Here are some interesting (and amazing) facts about our students...
  • Current student population of 1500.
  • Waukesha South has students from 16 countries who speak 7 different dialects.
  • Over the past three academic years, Waukesha South has had 10 students recognized as National Merit Finalists, which is more than the rest of Waukesha County combined.
  • Waukesha South currently has a graduation rate of 100%
  • Over 112,000 dollars was saved in college tuition due to Waukesha South students successfully participating in the Advanced Placement program in 2006.
  • Waukesha South High School is the home of a perfect score on the ACT, 1 of 7 in the state and 91 in the nation.
  • The attendance rate is more than 95% daily and the truancy rate is less than 1%.
  • 74% of the AP tests were written successfully with 3 or higher. The national average is 61% while the state average is 69%.
  • More than 85% of students go on to post-secondary educational institutions following graduation.

The Staff
Waukesha South staff members are among the most highly qualified in the field of education. The staff consists of one principal, three assistant principals, three counselors, 112 teachers, and 30 support staff members. 77% of teachers hold Masters degrees and all staff are certified in the courses they teach.

We also have 6 Kohl Fellowship Winners on our staff. Find out who they are.